
MAYA 2016 _ new / tips

modeling :
holding ctrl Key + moving componenent : move along normal
multicut Tool : holding Ctrl+Shift : 90 degree cut / hloding shift : percent display
edit pivot + clic sur component : snap and align pivot

After creating a polygon primitive, you must activate the Show Manipulator Tool (Hotkey: T) before the In-View Editor appears.

Ctrl + 1 : toggle isolate
Alt + D : deselect

settings/preference :
animation  -> evaluation parralel and check GPU Override (faster for vertex animation/ skin)
display -> material loading Mode -> Parallel to avoid lag at scene opening when lot of shader
color management -> input color space rule : for texture color space, also check in attribute editor for file node to chose individual colorspace

single blendshape deformer:
create blendshape deformer on one mesh then windows - animation editor - blendshape, add new target clic on edit then edit the mesh uncheck edit and repeat to create blendshape directly on mesh.

dR_setActiveTransformAxis 3; // reset current manipulator handle to 3 axis
outlinerEditor -edit -expandAllItems 0 outlinerPanel1; // collapse all in docked outliner


  1. dR_setActiveTransformAxis 3; doesn't seem to work for me in SP3, and it's a shame that hitting w again doesn't reset it.

  2. That's strange because it works for me.
