#____________ FALLOF ____________# def shFallof(): # gamma node cmds.shadingNode('gammaCorrect',asUtility=True, n='GammaTemp') cmds.setAttr('GammaTemp.gammaX', 0.455) cmds.setAttr('GammaTemp.gammaY', 0.455) cmds.setAttr('GammaTemp.gammaZ', 0.455) #Creates Ramp cmds.shadingNode('ramp', asTexture=True, n='facingRampTemp') # Remove middle color of ramp cmds.removeMultiInstance( 'facingRampTemp.colorEntryList[1]', b=True ) #Modify Ramp cmds.setAttr('facingRampTemp.colorEntryList[2].color', 0,0,0, type='double3' ) cmds.setAttr('facingRampTemp.colorEntryList[0].color', 1,1,1, type='double3' ) cmds.setAttr('facingRampTemp.colorEntryList[2].position', 1) cmds.setAttr('facingRampTemp.interpolation', 1) #Creates Sampler Info node cmds.shadingNode('samplerInfo', asUtility=True, n='facingSamplerTemp') #Connects Ramp and Sampler cmds.connectAttr('facingSamplerTemp.facingRatio', 'facingRampTemp.vCoord', f=True) cmds.connectAttr('facingRampTemp.outColor', 'GammaTemp.value', f=True) # connect it to a surface shader cmds.shadingNode('surfaceShader', asShader=True, n='SH_TMP_Fallof') cmds.connectAttr('GammaTemp.outValue', 'SH_TMP_Fallof.outColor', f=True) # Select Ramp cmds.select('facingRampTemp', r=True) #Renames nodes so you can use the script as many times as you want cmds.rename('facingRampTemp', 'facingRamp_F') cmds.rename('facingSamplerTemp', 'facingSampler_F') cmds.rename('SH_TMP_Fallof', 'SH_Fallof') cmds.rename('GammaTemp', 'gammaCorrect_F') shFallof() #____________ OCCLU ____________# def shOcclu(): # surface shader cmds.shadingNode('surfaceShader', asShader=True, n='SH_TMP_Occlu') cmds.shadingNode('VRayDirt', asShader=True, n='VrayDirt_TMP') cmds.connectAttr('VrayDirt_TMP.outColor', 'SH_TMP_Occlu.outColor', f=True) #Renames nodes so you can use the script as many times as you want cmds.rename('SH_TMP_Occlu', 'SH_Occlu') cmds.rename('VrayDirt_TMP', 'VrayDirt_O') shOcclu()
MAYA/VRAY/PYTHON _ fallof - occlusion shader
create a fallof and occlusion shader for Vray using python
MAYA _ float value annotation in viewport
Annotation node can't have float value, only string. So to display a value in viewport:
- dynamic- particles - particle tools : create one particle
- select particle shape and add a float attribute toto
- particleshape - render attribute - particle render type : numeric
- attribute name : toto
- then connect any value (like scaleX) to toto
- dynamic- particles - particle tools : create one particle
- select particle shape and add a float attribute toto
- particleshape - render attribute - particle render type : numeric
- attribute name : toto
- then connect any value (like scaleX) to toto
MAYA/MEL _ toggle
//Toggle Isolate Selected in Current Panel $currentPanel = `getPanel -withFocus`; $state = `isolateSelect -q -state $currentPanel`; if ($state == "0") { enableIsolateSelect $currentPanel 1; } else { enableIsolateSelect $currentPanel 0; } // Toggle SHaded WIreframe string $panel = `getPanel -wf`; modelEditor -e -wos ( !`modelEditor -q -wos $panel` ) $panel; //ToggleOutliner: if ( `window -exists outlinerPanel1Window` ) deleteUI -window outlinerPanel1Window; else tearOffPanel "Outliner" "outlinerPanel" false;
MAYA/MEL _ second outliner
tearOffPanel "Outliner1" "outlinerPanel" false; tearOffPanel "Outliner2" "outlinerPanel" false;
MAYA/VRAY _ linear workflow
Render and VFB settings
For texture map add a Vray texture input gamma attribute
Create a standard gray shader : Vray MTL with gamma correct node in diffuse, 0.5 value color and gamma value 0.455
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